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Can Returning to School Help with a Career Change?

Can Returning to School Help with a Career Change?

Feeling stuck in a career rut? You’re not alone. Many people find themselves wanting a change after a few years (or even decades) in the workforce. But with bills to pay and responsibilities piling up, the idea of going back to school can feel daunting. This blog is here to tell you: it might be exactly what you need!

How Might Going Back to School Help You Develop Your Career?

Think of school as a toolbox. The longer you’re in the workforce, the more tools you collect – skills and knowledge that are specific to your current job. But what if you want to build something completely different? Going back to school can equip you with a whole new set of tools – fresh knowledge, industry certifications, and even entirely new skill sets.

  • Learn New Skills: Maybe you’ve always been fascinated by graphic design but never had the chance to learn. A design certificate program could give you the foundational skills and portfolio pieces you need to break into the field.
  • Deepen Existing Skills: Perhaps you’re a customer service rep who wants to become a marketing manager. A Business Administration degree could give you a deeper understanding of marketing principles and strategies, making you a much stronger candidate for those management roles.
  • Gain Industry Certifications: Certain fields require specific certifications to practice. Many healthcare office careers require a Medical Billing and Coding Certification, which you can prepare for by taking a Medical Billing and Coding program. 
  • Network and Build Relationships: College isn’t just about textbooks and lectures. It’s also about meeting classmates and professors who could become valuable connections down the road. These connections can offer advice, mentorship, and even job leads.

So You Want a Career Change?

Great! But making a big move requires some planning. Here are a few steps to get you started:

  • Self-discovery: What are you passionate about? What kind of work environment excites you? Take some time to reflect on your interests and goals. There are even career quizzes and personality assessments online that can help you brainstorm new possibilities.
  • Research Different Paths: Once you have a general idea of what direction you want to go in, research different educational options. Are you interested in a full-blown degree program or would a shorter certificate program be more efficient? Consider online options or night classes that can better fit your busy schedule.
  • Talk to People: Connect with professionals in your desired field. Informational interviews are a great way to learn more about the day-to-day realities of a job and the skills and education employers are looking for.
  • Talk to Your Employer: You might be surprised! Some companies have tuition reimbursement programs or have internal training opportunities that could help you transition to a new role within the company.

How to Change Careers

Remember, a career change is a journey, not a destination. Here are some tips to navigate the process:

  • Be Patient: It takes time to learn new skills and build a new resume. Don’t get discouraged if it doesn’t happen overnight.
  • Start Small: Dip your toes in the water before diving headfirst. Consider taking a few online courses or volunteering in your desired field to get a taste of what it’s really like.
  • Leverage Your Experience: Don’t underestimate the value of your existing skills and experience, even if they’re not directly related to your new career path. Highlight transferable skills like communication, problem-solving, and teamwork in your resume and cover letter.

Ready to Take the Leap?

Going back to school can be a great investment in your future, opening doors to new and exciting career possibilities. If you’re feeling stuck and ready for a change, don’t be afraid to explore your options. Remember, South Texas Vocational Technological Institute offers a variety of programs designed to help you achieve your academic and professional goals. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you build the future you deserve!

Blog Disclaimer: Information within this blog is for general information purposes only. STVT does not assume or guarantee certification/licensures, specific job/career positions, income earning potential or salary expectations based on the programs offered at STVT. Career and program information statements in this blog do not guarantee that programs or other information mentioned are offered at STVT. STVT cannot guarantee employment or salary.